Read the full article HERE.
Today in The Sydney Morning Herald C4C has been featured in the opinion piece by our Chair Cristina Talacko explaining “How Setting a NetZero Target Will Put Us Ahead”.
Our Chair notes that “the road to net zero is paved with uncertainty, and waiting for the market to take us there without legislating a target is unwise. Setting a net-zero target would exert substantial influence on five important areas: trade, soft power, neutralising the ‘left’ , economic growth and jobs.”
Cristina mentions that “trade policies are likely to become more aligned with tackling climate change and the lack of a legislated target could become a handicap for Australia’s trade and international relations, limiting our scope to do deals and in the worst-case scenario, exposing us to sanctions or tariffs” and that in terms of jobs and growth “A target would assist in speeding the various pipeline projects that can place Australia in the pole position“.